

By Kirit Thakore on January 1, 2024, 10:49 am


Success can be measured in many ways.

For me, it's measured with inner happiness.

How I feel inside regardless of what is happening on the outside is all that counts.

By following these 7 simple steps, I guarantee that over time you will be able to separate yourself from the anger, the sadness, the unfairness and all the other things that take over our minds.

Instead you will focus on the good, the happy, the fortunate. You will find so much inner peace and happiness.

It will be your daily medicine.

Water is the essence of life. Like air, we won't survive long without it. Don't take it for granted.

Everything we eat and drink becomes part of us.

By creating awareness of an incredible life force first thing in the morning, you will start to heighten your understanding of it.

Make it a nice glass. You want the chalice containing the life force to be beautiful, clear and nice to hold and feel. Savour and feel the water enter you.

State the importance of it before you drink it.

You have been asleep for about 8 hours. Your blood has thickened. You joints achy. Your mind still not fully functioning. By starting the day with a 30 minute intense workout, this is what will happen.

You will start to take in deep breaths and fill your lungs with air.

This air will enter your blood stream and oxygenate your blood.

The oxygenated blood will surge around your body and nourish your internal organs, your muscles, you tendons, your ligaments.

The oxygenated blood will surge to the surface and nourish your skin, making it more glowy, more firm, more plump, more youthful.

The oxygenated blood will surge up your spinal column and fire into your brain. It will spark all those electrical circuits making the world more clear, more colourful, more bright.

Then you will breath out all the toxins.

Every breath will create these chemical reactions. It's called meditation with motion.


No amount of extra sleep will give you this incredible start to the day.

You can join me at 6am every morning.

The most important part of life - our breath.

Yet, we take it for granted. This exercise is very simple, takes very little time and will have the most profound effect.

It's about watching, nothing else.

Watch your breath on its way in and watch it leave. That's it.

Do it for 3 full breaths and then repeat 3 times.

If you can do this with no other thought entering your mind apart from you just watching, then extend it.

Don't try and do it. Don't think about it when doing it. Just watch the breath enter your nose and down to your stomach. then see it rise and leave.

There is no need to make it complicated with long meditations etc. This will take a few minutes and your breath awareness will increase significantly. In fact, you will soon be doing it at other times of the day, just being aware.

Abstinence from anything makes it sweeter. It shows a strong sense of discipline, making the mind stronger.

Instead of food controlling us, why not us control the food.

The main reason for this is NOT the above. You have to have a good reason to make this work.

Food takes up so much life energy in the digestion process, that your body never gets a chance to really recover and regenerate.

You don't eat when your sleeping, but your body is still working digesting. You wake up and drink water to start the morning cleanse. You then workout, creating aneed for the body to want fuel. We don't feed it so it has to gather the fuel from your fat stores. It's a great way to slowly deplete body fat.

Your body will also self consume unhealthy and damaged cells, performing a small daily cleanse.

Now, you will learn to be aware of the hunger hormone called grelin. This will make you feel incredibly hungry in the morning about the same time. As long as you are aware, that it is just the release of this hormone and not real hunger, as your body has enough reserves of body fat for food.

Come midday or 2pm or whatever time you eat your first meal, you will notice how wonderful it tastes and value it rather than just devouring the food like most others do, who eat in a rush.

Remember, every bit of food we eat turns into cells, that turn into us. Like the water in the morning, praise it.


The body is the most incredible machine ever. It can create energy from almost anything. In fact, the most "unhealthy" foods can be incredibly nutritional to a hungry person and the most "healthy" foods can be poisonous to somebody whose stomach is bursting full.

A little bit of what you enjoy will not hurt you. An excess of it can kill you.

Saying this, we all intrinsically know what foods are good for us and what foods are not.

It's better to eat diet consisting for fruits, vegetables and good proteins/fats. A big fry up had every day will not prove to be beneficial in the long run, but one had every Saturday morning won't do any real long term harm.

Boiling, air frying, using the oven, steaming are all better ways than deep frying.

Use your judgement but don't make your diet something you do not enjoy.

Eat in moderation - eat what you enjoy - don't eat till you're ready to burst.

Most people focus on what they DON'T have.

Most people focus on what others seem to have.

Most people compare their worst features/attributes to other peoples best features/attributes.

By taking a few moments, before we enter sleep, to appreciate what we have, we will enter he dream realm with a much better frame of mind.

Remember, the things that we can appreciate are anything that if in that moment, was to be taken away, would really hurt us.

So, something as basic as our health. If we appreciate how fortunate we are to have good health, we can do more with it. On the other hand, we all know how useless we feel when we are ill or have an injury.

Something like having a roof over our head, the warmth, the comfort of it, especially when we consider more and more people are homeless these days.

My gratitude is usually for the same things every day, as well as the good things, however small they may be, that have happened that day.

Your weight is one of the most significant ways to determine your health.

Most people shy away from it. In fact, most people only start monitoring bodily health like blood pressure or blood sugar when it becomes an issue. When your body stops functioning properly.

Prevention is better than cure.

But the majority never follow this rule. They live blind till the time comes when they are forced to open their eyes.

Everyone has a natural genetic body weight. It's at this weight that you function most effectively. You feel lighter, healthier and stronger. Your able to perform exercise and daily activities effortlessly.

If you can't walk up the stairs briskly without being out of breath. If you struggle to get up from your chair. If you're unable to do a light jog. All of these things are often related to illnesses or injuries related to being overweight.

Being overweight does not just happen overnight. It creeps up on you bit by bit. You do not suddenly become 10kgs heavier. It's a half kilogram this week, then another half kilogram and so on.

Now, if you see yourself going up a half kilogram this week, it's no big deal. Next week, just exercise a little more or eat a little less. So simple. Then when you weigh yourself the following week, you will have succeeded in getting back to your natural body weight.

If you don't weigh yourself, then you are being blind to what is happening right in front of you. Then in a few months, you weigh yourself and you "suddenly" find yourself 10kgs heavier. Now thats becomes a problem. You go on crazy fast weight loss diets or extreme exercise. None of which are sustainable.

So choose to do whats easier, weigh yourself every week.

I hope these 7 lessons make sense and that you will commit to doing them all for at least 30 days. I promise they will make a difference.

If you need any further help or explanation with any or all of them, then please contact me at or message on 0772 7687773

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